What’s the Difference between 2% Pyrethrum and 50% Pyrethrum?

Tron 50% Pyrethrum contains 25X more active materials than 2% Pyrethrum products. These active materials are what make the product more useful and cost-effective.

Is Tron Pyrethrum effective against all insects?

Yes, Tron Pyrethrum is quite effective against all kinds of insects and pests. It’s also equally effective to kill eggs, larvae, and fungus.

Does Tron Pyrethrum harm bees and earthworms?

Yes, earthworms and bees are affected. But Pyrethrum doesn’t harm these two as much as other sulfur and inorganic chemical-based insecticides.

Can you use Tron Pyrethrum as Insect Repellent?

Yes, Tron Pyrethrum can be used as an insect repellent. Mix with water in the appropriate ratio mentioned in the pack and spray all over your house.

What makes Tron Pyrethrum more effective?

Other sellers and our competitors use white kerosene as the base of their products. Kerosene, being pungent and insoluble in water; makes it hard to apply. Our Piperonyl Butoxide based product is soluble in water, diesel oil, and kerosene alike.

Is Cash on Delivery (CoD) available?

No, we currently don’t accept cash on delivery orders due to higher shipping costs. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for understanding.

Why Choose Pyrethrum over Neem Oil?

In contrast to Pyrethrum which works as a contact insecticide, Neem oil works on ingestion. Neem oil isn’t effective unless the insect swallows the product, making it less effective than Pyrethrum.

Is Pyrethrum Harmful to humans or animals?

No, the Pyrethrum isn’t harmful to mammals such as humans and animals. As Tron Pyrethrum products work on the nervous system of insects, it has minimal effect on humans.

As a matter of fact, it would take 5L of raw pyrethrum extract to paralyze a small barn rat.

I need bulk supply, how should I contact you?

Either directly contact us at +91 7278157098, or leave your details below.

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